Insights & Observations

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Navigating Through Change and Transition: Part II

Take Charge of Your Life:
Navigating Through Change and Transition

Part II

Change is a natural part of life. How we think and feel about change makes a difference as to how we experience things before, during and after the situation/event.
Following are insights and Points to Ponder from my experience, observations and work with clients along with insights from others, as cited. As you read through them, notice how you respond and what goes through your mind.

Points to Ponder

* Change is a natural, normal part of life.

* There are Three Stages of Transition:
The Neutral Zone
New Beginnings

"People don’t resist change; they resist transition. It is difficult to leave behind the “old” ways, even if the new way is exciting and appealing. People resist the loss of their identity (and sense of security)..." ~ William Bridges

* Change involves going from the known to the unknown. Stepping into uncertainty is what the unknown is all about.

* It is natural to experience a range of emotions when in the midst of change and transition. Denying your feelings can lead to increased stress, health issues and depression.

"When things change, we leave behind the way things were, and the way we were under those circumstances."
~ William Bridges
* Creating a plan of action is one way to navigate through change and transition allowing you to take charge of your life.

* Every moment is an opportunity, choose wisely how you use it.
Select one or two of the above to reflect on during the week. Then be aware. Simply observe yourself and your responses to the various change experiences this week.
Tune in to the next post for Part III.

© 2009, 2010 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.

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  • At 7:39 AM, Blogger Pam Nintrup said…

    I like your blog thread and look forward to the next tips on staying the path to the future! Your insights are great!
    Thanks, Pam

  • At 7:39 AM, Blogger Pam Nintrup said…

    I like your blog thread and look forward to the next tips on staying the path to the future! Your insights are great!
    Thanks, Pam


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