A System that Works...For Your Success Newsletters
Volume 10 No. 1
Keys to Success
Well it certainly feels great to be back writing this newsletter. I felt it appropriate to take some time off to refresh, retool, publish two books in our Enthusiasm! series and explore ways to help you take the leap to your next level, whatever that might be.
I am pleased to announce that September marks the 18-year anniversary for A System that Works. Quite a bit has happened since 1988. Reflecting on the success, adventures, learning opportunities—and, yes the failures too—here are 18 bits of wisdom and insight to share with you.
Related to Work…
1. Pay attention to the way you like to work and the type of work that allows you to flourish. You owe it to yourself to do that work and work to your talents, strengths, abilities and interests.
2. Tune in to the type of environment that supports you in bringing forward your best. This includes physical space, location, resources available and your work expectations.
3. Look outside of your department, organization and even industry to ignite the spark of creativity and innovation.
4. Discover how to effectively make the most of meetings you lead and attend.
5. Experiment and take some risks, once you review relevant factors, that is. One way to know if you can is to do.
6. Treat your job as if it is your business. Actually, that is the case when you consider you are the president of the company that is you and all you have to offer others.
Related to Others…
1. Maximize your people skills at work and in all areas of life. Relationships offer support and play a part in our growth.
2. Explore ways to become a more effective communicator with all of the ways you communicate and connect with people.
3. Remember that people have different styles and preferences for behavior, learning, leadership, communication, listening and processing information. The more you understand about others the better you’ll understand yourself.
4. Clarify what is expected of you along with any action items and due dates. Communicate the same to others
5. Be mindful of how you offer feedback. Honest, specific, respectful feedback brings positive results.
6. Heed the red flags by honoring your instincts and intuition.
For Yourself…
1. Take time, on a regular basis, to reflect on what you have done, how far you have come and what you may have discovered along the way.
2. Become a life-long learner. This allows you to stay fresh, hone your skills and become a better person, overall.
3. Give yourself permission to play and take time to recharge, refresh, renew.
4. Celebrate the small successes for they pave the way to bigger ones.
5. Clear all of the clutter and simplify your life. This frees your mind and energy.
6. Trust yourself and trust what you know.
One more bit of wisdom to share involves gratitude and appreciation.
So much has happened along the way. And there have been many people—clients, colleagues, peers, coaches, mentors, vendors, friends and family—many events, challenges and opportunities along the way. All have been important. All have been meaningful. Most of them have been enjoyable. Deep gratitude and appreciation flows to them and to those whom I am yet to meet and experience.
May these next years hold many fascinating, insightful and prosperous adventures.
Antoinette S. Webster
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Insights & Wisdom
Even when we know something well, there are always new opportunities to learn more, when we are open to the lessons. –Kevin Eikenberry
Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive! And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are truly alive.
What’s New
October is the Month of Enthusiasm! Yes that’s right and once again Antoinette is the National Coordinator for creating awareness and celebrating Enthusiasm! Find out about various activities, programs, etc. under the What’s New section on the ASW website @ www.ASystemthatWorks.com . There will also be special offers, raffles, etc. throughout October.
The Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It book is now available in print and eBook format. In the works is the audio version of the book, which is currently scheduled for a Fall 2006 release. Check out a book sample @ http://www.asystemthatworks.com/.
Now available in print format is Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! Discovering what to do when your get up and go got up and went.(sm) This is a 6” x 6” book with tips on how to zap the zappers of your enthusiasm before they zap you. It also contains suggestions on numerous things you can do to ignite your spark of enthusiasm, many of which are no or low cost. This makes a great gift for friends and members of your work team. Check out a book sample @ www.ASystemthatWorks.com.
Did you know that both of these books are available for bulk purchases for sales promotions, premiums, fundraising or educational use? Find out more by contacting, SpecialSales@ASystemthatWorks.com.
Currently, there are a few openings for clients in my coaching practice. I work with a limited number of people on an as needed or ongoing basis; find out more by calling 513.887.0600. ASW
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The A System that Works…for Your Success! newsletter is written for people and businesses committed to harnessing their potential. Information contained in this newsletter is general in nature and is not intended to replace professional consultation. A System that Works…for Your Success! is published by A System that Works(sm).
A System that Works (sm) is a speaking, training, facilitation, and coaching company focusing on professional and personal transformational growth and development. For information on our services and programs or to schedule a private session, contact: Antoinette S. Webster, M.E!, MBA & President, A System that Works, 640 Foster Ave., Hamilton, OH 45015, (513) 887-0600, info@ASystemthatWorks.com, www.ASystemthatWorks.com.